The Infamous Annual Alice Springs Town Council Halloween Pop-Up Party at the Church Lawns & Todd Mall! 

Join ASTC for a fright­ful­ly fun after­noon at our Hal­loween Pop-Up Par­ty on Fri­day, October 25, 2024, from 4 PM to 7 PM at the Todd Mall Lawns!

Get ready for an enchant­i­ng expe­ri­ence filled with:

The Retail Trick ​‘r’ Treat Trail

Can you guess the pic­ture clues as you wan­der through our spooky trail and col­lect deli­cious treats along the way?

Best Dressed Competition

Show off your Hal­loween spir­it in our best dressed com­pe­ti­tion! Cat­e­gories include:

• Best Dressed Kid
• Best Dressed Family
• Best Dressed Pet

Spooky Enter­tain­ment

An after­noon of our scare crew and thrilling per­for­mances that will send shiv­ers down your spine!

Arts and Craft Activities

Unleash your cre­ativ­i­ty with crafts per­fect for all ages. Make spooky dec­o­ra­tions to take home!

Hal­loween Food Deals

Sat­is­fy your crav­ings with spe­cial Hal­loween food deals from our fave restau­rants and a small col­lec­tion of food vans. Enjoy fes­tive snacks and treats that are sure to delight!

Whether you’re a lit­tle ghost or a sea­soned mon­ster, there’s some­thing for every­one. Come in your best cos­tume and join the fun!


👻 Before you pop in to the Pop-Up Par­ty, don’t miss out on Spooky Sto­ry Time at the Library from 3pm!👻

More info

Event Info

Date and time

Friday 25 October 2024


Church Lawns, Todd Mall

Church Lawns, Todd Mall, Alice Springs 0870

Get directions